Where is Legislative in Checks and Balances?

Legislative mechanism is the first step where the citizen’s power is used on behalf of the citizen. Society chooses its representatives and send them to the Parliament/Assembly. Constitution founds the checks and balances system, while the Parliament makes laws which will administer that system. Since laws directly affect our lives and determine how we will use our rights, it is essential to know how and by whom they are made. Legislators also check how legislative does its job. They keep rulers accountable with regards to how they use citizen’s power and resources.

What Kind of a Legislative Mechanism Do We Want?

A Legislative which is Pluralist in Representation, Responsible in Accountability

There should be different political parties and candidates which correspond to different ideas and preferences in the society. These political parties and candidates should compete in elections freely. Political parties should work in a transparent and accountable way; they should participate in the election race in fair and equal conditions. Different segments of the society should have voice and be represented in the Parliament in the broadest way. Citizens should select their representatives freely and they should have the right to hold them accountable. Those selected should also work by knowing that they will be held accountable for the policies and political actions they produce.

A Legislative which Negotiates while Making Laws and is Fully Entitled while Checking

Parliament should discuss topics which correspond to society’s different expectations and make laws with dialogue and compromise thoroughly. Decisions should be made with the support of majority, but minority rights should be protected in any case; their representation rights should be protected. There should be means and ways for legislative to fully use its power to check the executive.

A Legislative which is Open while Administrating and Transparent when Working

Parliament should work by being aware of the fact that it will be responsible for all of its activities; any kind of information regarding these activities should be open to public. Citizens should be able to reach authorities quickly at both local and national level; they should know that they can affect the policies when they report their complaints and recommendations. There should be ways and means to achieve these goals with or without being organized; it should be facilitated to use these means for everyone.

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