Communication Group

Communication Group works to strengthen visibility and reputation of the CBN brand, determine overall messages of the network, carry out public awareness-raising activities. It is responsible for the management of digital platforms and content development.

  • Ayhan Aykanat -  Representative of Executive Reform Group  | Sarıkaya Gençlik Derneği
  • Ceylan Özinel - Representative of Civil Society Reform Group | YADA Vakfı
  • Hürdoğan Aydoğdu - Representative of Judiciary Reform Group | Evcikuzkışla Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği
  • Muhlis Uçar - Representative of Local Government Reform Group | İnsani Değerleri Yüceltme Derneği
  • Ramazan Turgut - Representative of Media Reform Group| Mezopotamya Barış Akademisi
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